Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Stompin' Dave

Last week, I was watching a documentary about Bill Monroe that I borrowed from my landlord, Paul. Halfway through the film, I discovered buck dancing!

Buck dancing is a precursor to clogging and tap dancing that used to be popular at both hillbilly gatherings and minstrel shows. Somehow, it's survived among a lot of backwoods folks and music enthusiasts.

This will give you an idea: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bX5sz1P73DE

Then I discovered Stompin' Dave: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upoEezOXfww Holy crap. Now get this: good ole Stompin' Dave is British!

Those damned Brits appreciate American music much more than we Americans. Take Keb Darge (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keb_Darge). The man has somehow made a career of deejaying and reissuing deep funk and northern soul.

American blues are no different. We Yanks had largely forgotten delta blues until Brits threw it back in our faces (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Barber).

As for latin jazz, Snowboy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snowboy) plays better than most in the U.S. and much of Latin America. Plus, he has an extensive latin jazz record collection.

That brings me back to Stompin' Dave (http://www.stompindave.com/). Although it seems odd at first glance that an Englishman has taken such interest in performing hillbilly, mountain, and bluegrass music, in light of the above, it makes perfect sense.

I just wish I could find the American Stompin' Dave.


  1. The west virginians call it turkey dancin.
    They have a dancin outoutlaw. His name is jesco white.


  2. I was just talking to Arlo about good ole Jesco. A prolific shuffler.

  3. ...but did you take a look at the prodigy that is ronald jenkies?
